Værdi fra viden

Patent School

Patent databases

There is a large selection of different types of patent databases that can be used to search for patent documents. Some are free to use, while others require subscription.

VALUA has made an overview of useful patent databases:


Espacenet is an excellent database developed by the European Patent Organization (EPO). It is possible to search for existing European patents and published patent applications in this database.

Click on the button below to access the Espacenet database:


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows users access information regarding US patent applications and patents via the Patentcenter database. It permits users to view publicly available information.

Click on the button below to access the Patentcenter database.


PATENTSCOPE is a search engine from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The database allows users to search for published international patent applications (PCT applications).

Click the button below to access and use PATENTSCOPE:

PVS Database:

The Patent and Trademark Office (PVS) is the authority that administers patents and patent applications in Denmark. PVS also has a register where it is possible to search for patents and utility models registered in Denmark:

Click on the button below to use the PVS register: